Carolina Reaper Select

Carolina Reaper Select

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Carolina Reaper Select - 10 or 20 Seeds (Use Dropdown)

We have taken the absolute best pods from this years grow to offer as Carolina Reaper Select. These pods all have the best shape, and ALL have long tails.

The following were all discluded from being selected for this listing:

  • Elongated or misshaped pods
  • No tails or short/misshaped Tails
  • Discolored or not fully formed Seeds
  • Pods that didn't show the normal Reaper bumpy skin

Please understand that this does NOT guarantee you won't have any pods that show these traits going foward but does ensure a better chance of getting the preferred Carolina Reaper phenotype.

Also known as HP22B, this had over a 10 year run as Worlds hottest pepper with scoville rating over 2 million scoville units.  Though extremely hot this variety is still sweet, and great for culinary use.  This may be the most famous super hot in the world.