We are offering 3 different collections of stunning looking pepper varieties! These varieties are all known for ripening to beautiful colors, each having mottling or color combinations that are rare to find. In addition to being able to get these varieties all in one place, these are discounted based on what you would pay purchasing these individually. All varieties are individually packaged (10 seeds each unless noted) Each collection is priced at 26.99. If you would like to purchase all 3 collections at once, use the dropdown to select "All 3 Color Rush Collections". This is further discounted at $75.99
Use the dropdown to select which seed collection you would like. If you want multiple packages, add one to the cart, come back to this page and add the next package.
Color Rush Super Hot Seed Collection #1
Hallows Eve
Reaper Purple Peach - 8 Seeds
Orion Long
Pockmark Orange
Blue Ghost Peach
PJ Molten Ice - 8 Seeds
Nazguls Pumpkin Pie
Pink UFO Elongated
Bolivian Bumpy Carmen
Taj Mahal Purple Orange
Color Rush Super Hot Seed Collection #2
Thor's Thunderbolt
Black Panther
Pink Tiger
Cheiro Roxa X Scarlet Lantern
Olho De Mutum
Fairytale Cachucha
Jes's Purple Peach
Pink Tiger X Reaper
Sherbet Horizon
Trippaul Threat Yellow
Color Rush Super Hot Seed Collection #3
Naga Tiger DD
Pimenta Puma
Pink Tiger BBG7
PJ Blue Ice
Black Karen
Gator Jigsaw Purple
PDN X BMJ Caramel - 8 Seeds
Reaper Pink Peach
Pink UFO
The Dream